报告1:Some Graphs (Automata) Respect To t-norm, s-norm On Lattice
摘要:In this note, we introduce novel graph structures built on a residuated lattice using t-norms and s-norms, referred to as lower and upper L-fuzzy graphs. These concepts are clarified with examples. We then explore the bounds of thesegraphs using t-norms and s-norms and define several notions, such as semi-sub, sub, and totally sub lower (upper) L-fuzzy graphs. Additionally, we establish the relationships between these notions through a theorem. We also define certain terms, including∧Z(G),∨Z(H), Z*(G), and Z*(H), which are further elucidated by examples. Following this, we discuss∧Z(G) and∨Z(H) for specific lower (upper) L-fuzzy graphs, supported by a theorem. We proceed to define the concepts of lower (upper) L-fuzzy* graphs. Moreover, this research presents the lower upper L-fuzzy graph automaton and the upper L-fuzzy graph automaton, both associated with the zero forcing set of their respective lower and upper L-fuzzy graphs. These concepts are further expanded upon through additional theorems and example clarifications. In particular, we examine the behavior of various lower L-fuzzy graph and upper L-fuzzy graph automata. These types of graphs and automata have various applications across multiple fields, including pharmaceuticals.
Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi(穆罕默德·迈赫迪·扎赫迪)是伊朗克尔曼高等技术研究生大学的终身教授。现任《伊朗模糊系统杂志》、《代数超结构与逻辑代数杂志》的主编和创始人,还是多个国际期刊编委。曾任伊朗科技文化部部长和伊朗国会议员。在国际期刊上发表论文200余篇,担任博士生导师培养博士生20余人。他曾四次荣获所在大学的最优秀研究者奖。曾获伊朗全国科学、研究和技术部高等学校优秀教授最高奖,首届德黑兰大学数学节最优数学博士学位论文。德黑兰大学艺术节和哈拉兹米科学部长国际艺术节荣誉奖章。他的主要研究领域是代数(一般代数、逻辑和序代数、模糊代数、代数超结构)、机器理论和自动机理论。
报告2:Prime and primary ideals in L-algebras
摘要:In this presentation, considering the concept of prime ideal in L-algebras, we will investigate several results regarding prime ideals, and in particular, we will get its relations with maximal ideals. In the following, we explain the concept of primary ideals in L-algebras and while obtaining related results, we investigate its relations with prime and maximal ideals. We will show under what conditions an ideal can be primary. Then, after introducing the concept of primary decomposition of an ideal, we state that in CL-algebras under certain conditions, an ideal can be decomposed into primary ideals.
Rajab Ali Borzooei,伊朗著名逻辑代数学者Rajab Ali Borzooei,现任伊朗国立师范大学—伊朗法尔汉吉安大学(Farhangian University)的校长,同时担任伊朗沙希德·贝赫什蒂大学(Shahid Beheshti大学)的终身教授,伊朗文化改革最高委员会科学教育委员会主任,伊朗文化改革最高委员会科学决策部副主任,曾任伊朗模糊系统学会主席。他主要从事逻辑代数、代数超结构、模糊数学、代数图和模糊图的研究工作。现为《Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems》、《International Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and its Applications》期刊的主编,《International Review of Fuzzy athematics》、《Bulletin of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic Control and Computer science》、《Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics》、《Italian Journal of Pure and Applied mathematics》、《Journal of Algebraic structures and their applications》、《Journal of Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications》等期刊的编委。在《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》、《Information Sciences》、《Soft Computing》、《Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems》、《Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing》等期刊发表论文200余篇,SCI收录100余篇。2011年获得伊朗科技部大学教育最高挑战者奖(Top Vice Chancellor for Education in Universities of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran),多次获得Shahid Beheshti University最佳研究者奖( Top Researcher University in Shahid Beheshti University)。
报告:From Models to Data in Systems Analysis and Design
摘要:Models are widely used in engineering design and system analysis. This facilitatesthe engineering design for complex systems. In this talk, we will initially discuss theengineering practice before the advent of models. This era entailed analysis and designof simple systems. Then, the start of model-based analysis and design approach isoutlined with the seminal work of Maxwell. Maxwell can be called the father of modelbased analysis and design of control systems. However, there are serious challengesin the application of models in systems design. This can be of great importance incomplex and complex adaptive systems, where accurate models are rarely availableand the model assumptions are largely violated. Therefore, a paradigm shift to datadriven system design approach is currently forming. We shall briefly discuss the issueof scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts and provide a general system classificationwith regards to the paradigm shifts in systems analysis and design.
Ali Khaki-Sedigh教授,现为伊朗科学、研究和技术部副部长,高等教育部大学理事会中心主任。曾为K. N.托西科技大学电气工程与计算机工程系担任教授,伊朗K. N.托西科技大学第一届和第二届电气工程会议组织委员会成员,2000年5月担任第二届政府、工业和大学促进国家发展国际会议科学委员会主席,2000年6-7月,担任德国不来梅大学客座教授,2002年7-8月,担任德国不来梅大学客座教授,2003年2月担任K. N.托西科技大学第二届机器视觉、图像处理会议科学委员会主席,2003-2007年担任K. N.托西科技大学校长,2006年为在英国格拉斯哥大学举办的CONTROL 2006会议国际科学委员会成员,2008年为在英国曼彻斯特大学举办的CONTROL 2008会议国际科学委员会成员,2008年为德黑兰大学和伊朗霍德罗公司举办的年度国际汽车电子工业会议科学委员会成员,2013-2019年担任K. N.托西科技大学校长,2019-2021年担任高等教育部副部长。在《Applied Ocean Research》、《Optimal Control Applications andMethods》、《International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control》等国际期刊上发表论文 150 余篇,参加国际 100 余次,出版教材 10 余本。指导和联合指导了190 余篇硕士论文和 20 余篇博士论文。曾获杰出大学研究员,优秀学术人员,国家杰出电气工程研究员。其《《字控制系系》》一书被德黑兰大学提名为年度图书获得 1993-1994 学年的冠军,《现代制系系》》一书被美国电气研究中心授予年度图书奖。他的主要研究方向是鲁棒多变量自适应制系理论、智能制系(遗传设计和神经网络)网络、工业应用、系》行为的可预测性和预测、制系历史。